Financing Your New Smile
Dental Implant Treatment
12 | Dental Implants: An Overview
Dental implants have helped millions of people regain
their smiles. Implants are tiny titanium posts that
serve as substitute tooth roots. They anchor natural-
looking replacement teeth that function beautifully.
Whether replacing a single tooth, multiple teeth or
an entire set of teeth, dental implants are considered
today’s gold standard for tooth replacement. Learn
more about the most significant dental innovation
of our generation.
8 | Dental Implants 101
62 | Making Treatment Affordable
Like anything that involves state-of-the-art technology
and the services of skilled professionals, implant
treatment is not inexpensive but rather a long-term
investment. Establishing payment plans with a third
party is very common for implant procedures.
Here are some ideas on how to cover the cost.
18 | Replacing a Single Missing Tooth
with a Dental Implant
22 | Replacing All Teeth with
BioHorizons Dental Implants
10 | Celebrities with Dental Implants
38 | How Technology Aids
Dental Implant Therapy
42 | TeethXpress:
The BioHorizons Advantage
36 | What to Expect When
You’re Getting Dental Implants
58 | The Art of Rebuilding
Gum Tissue