Dr. Satish Reddy

Read TeethXpress magazine to learn more about how Dr. Reddy can help restore your smile with dental implants.

Table of Contents


Cover Story

30 | How TeethXpress Changed My Life

Although outgoing by nature, David’s severely decayed teeth

prevented him from fully expressing himself. His new smile,

courtesy of TeethXpress, has changed all that. David now has

a new sense of confidence and transformed relationships with

family, friends, and business customers.

The Impact of

Tooth Loss

48 | Health Hazards of Tooth Loss

If any of your teeth are missing, you know the consequences

can be profound, both physically and emotionally. Yet there are

significant effects of tooth loss you may not even know about.

Also in this section:

52 | Military Veteran Regains His Smile

and Fulfills His Life’s Purpose

54 | Understanding Tooth Extractions

and Bone Grafting

34 | Getting Back Your Own Unique Smile


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