Exceptional Dentistry & Sedation Center

Read TeethXpress magazine to learn more about how Drs. Gallup, Mowery, Mowery, and Rodríguez can help restore your smile with dental implants.

If you are suffering with missing teeth, failing teeth or chronic

dental problems, dental implants can give you the comfort,

security, fit, feel, function and look of natural teeth.

Dental implants typically have three parts:

The Implant: A screw that serves as the root for your

new tooth. It is inserted into the jawbone and is usu-

ally made of high-quality metal such as medical-grade


The Abutment: A component that attaches to the top

of the implant that connects the replacement tooth to

the implant.

The Crown: The part of the replacement tooth you

can see. It’s usually made of porcelain or zirconium for

durability and a natural-looking appearance.

Dental implants have been called the most significant dental

innovation of our generation, for good reason. Bone actually

attaches to the medical-grade titanium resulting in a replace-

ment tooth that feels secure and completely natural. Moreover,

implants can help preserve your jawbone, which can become

vulnerable to shrinkage over time once teeth are lost.

Not only will you look younger with natural-looking, implant-

supported teeth, you will regain your ability to eat your favorite

foods — even if those foods are apples, steak and corn on the


To learn more about dental implants, be sure to read “Dental

Implants: Your Best Option for Replacing Missing Teeth” on

page 12.

Dental Implants

Are Ideal for

Replacing Teeth

Dental implants have been

called the most significant

dental innovation of our

generation, for good reason.







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