Exceptional Dentistry & Sedation Center

Read TeethXpress magazine to learn more about how Drs. Gallup, Mowery, Mowery, and Rodríguez can help restore your smile with dental implants.

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Dental Implants


Missing Teeth

Learn why dental implants

are your best option



with Dental Implants

Guess who? The answers

may surprise you


An exciting, state-of-the-art

way to get new teeth—fast

“My new smile has

changed my life.”



story on

page 30



Exceptional Dentistry

& Sedation Center

Learn more inside about how Drs. Gallup, Mowery,

Mowery, and Rodríguez can help restore your smile!

Does the condition of your teeth aff ect your life in a negative way?

Take this quiz to fi nd out!

With over two decades of dental implant experience, the doctors at Exceptional Dentistry & Sedation Center can

solve any missing tooth problems from start to finish, in one office, with a TeethXpress® dental implant system.

Whether you are missing one tooth, multiple teeth, or all your teeth, they will get you back to chewing, eating,

and looking good quickly with as little discomfort as possible. When desired or necessary, both oral and IV

sedation options are available for your comfort. Their doctors have served as adjunct professors at the University

of Florida School of Dentistry, have been published in national trade magazines, and taught other doctors

advanced techniques. You can place your trust with confidence in all the doctors and TeethXpress®—choose

Exceptional Dentistry & Sedation Center for your dental implant solutions.

Dedicated to Exceptional Patient Care

932 NW 56 Terrace

Gainesville, FL 32605




(352) 332-6725


Exceptional Dentistry

& Sedation Center


Left to right: Dr. Grant

Gallup, Dr. Art Mowery,

Dr. Kim Mowery, and

Dr. Luis Rodríguez


If you are missing any of your teeth, you have big decisions

to make and important questions that need to be answered:

What are the various ways to replace missing teeth? Why

are dental implants considered the gold standard of tooth

replacement? What can happen to your health when you live

without teeth for a prolonged period? How does the dental

implant process work?

You will find the answers to these questions and many more in

this magazine and be taken on a detailed tour of tooth replace-

ment with a focus on dental implants. We created TeethXpress

magazine because we believe in patient education; in fact, we

don’t think anyone should have to make decisions about tooth

replacement without the most complete, up-to date informa-

tion available. The dental professional who gave you this magazine shares our commitment too and

believes that you deserve to make informed decisions about your oral health.

We are thrilled about what dental implants and TeethXpress have to offer people who are missing teeth.

TeethXpress is an exciting, state-of-the-art way to get new teeth — fast! It relies on advanced technol-

ogy only available through BioHorizons. After reading “TeethXpress: The BioHorizons Advantage” on

page 42, you’ll understand exactly how BioHorizons implants give you a unique, secure foundation

on which to build your new smile.

In “Dental Implants: An Overview,” we’ll show you how these amazing little devices can be used to

replace one tooth, several teeth or even a full set of teeth. And in “What to Expect When You’re Getting

Dental Implants,” we’ll walk you through the dental implant procedure — which is actually quite

routine and comfortable.

Most importantly, you’ll read inspiring stories of BioHorizons patients whose lives have been transformed

by dental implants. Because when it comes down to it, creating a great dental implant is not just about

solving an engineering problem; it’s about enhancing the quality of life — one smile at a time.

We hope this magazine empowers you with the knowledge to make the best decision for your dental

health and look forward to helping you achieve the smile you deserve.


Steve Boggan

President & CEO


A Reason to Smile Again

Table of Contents


Cover Story

30 | How TeethXpress Changed My Life

Although outgoing by nature, David’s severely decayed teeth

prevented him from fully expressing himself. His new smile,

courtesy of TeethXpress, has changed all that. David now has

a new sense of confidence and transformed relationships with

family, friends, and business customers.

The Impact of

Tooth Loss

48 | Health Hazards of Tooth Loss

If any of your teeth are missing, you know the consequences

can be profound, both physically and emotionally. Yet there are

significant effects of tooth loss you may not even know about.

Also in this section:

52 | Military Veteran Regains His Smile

and Fulfills His Life’s Purpose

54 | Understanding Tooth Extractions

and Bone Grafting

34 | Getting Back Your Own Unique Smile


Financing Your New Smile

Dental Implant Treatment

12 | Dental Implants: An Overview

Dental implants have helped millions of people regain

their smiles. Implants are tiny titanium posts that

serve as substitute tooth roots. They anchor natural-

looking replacement teeth that function beautifully.

Whether replacing a single tooth, multiple teeth or

an entire set of teeth, dental implants are considered

today’s gold standard for tooth replacement. Learn

more about the most significant dental innovation

of our generation.

8 | Dental Implants 101

62 | Making Treatment Affordable

Like anything that involves state-of-the-art technology

and the services of skilled professionals, implant

treatment is not inexpensive but rather a long-term

investment. Establishing payment plans with a third

party is very common for implant procedures.

Here are some ideas on how to cover the cost.

18 | Replacing a Single Missing Tooth

with a Dental Implant

22 | Replacing All Teeth with

BioHorizons Dental Implants

10 | Celebrities with Dental Implants

38 | How Technology Aids

Dental Implant Therapy

42 | TeethXpress:

The BioHorizons Advantage

36 | What to Expect When

You’re Getting Dental Implants

58 | The Art of Rebuilding

Gum Tissue




The consumer health information in TeethXpress magazine is for

informational and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for

medical advice or treatment for any dental conditions. This publication

does not ofer medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. You should seek

professional medical or dental care if you have any concern about your

health. Readers are urged to obtain regular consultation with a dentist

or dental specialist when making decisions about their healthcare.

The generally expected or typical consumer experiences a consumer

can reasonably expect have been attempted to be included in this

publication, however, results may vary in individual cases.

BioHorizons is not afiliated with the dental firm which is identified in

the Featured Provider content and accordingly it has not independently

verified the accuracy of the information which is set forth. Readers are

urged to make their own independent investigation and evaluation

of any dentist they are considering. Under no circumstances will

BioHorizons be liable for any loss or damage caused by errors, omissions

or inaccuracies in the Featured Provider Section or from reliance on the

information contained herein.

All TeethXpress magazine materials are protected

by United States copyright law and no portion of this publication may

be reprinted or otherwise reproduced without written permission from

BioHorizons and Dear Doctor, Inc.

Dear Doctor, Inc. is not afiliated with BioHorizons or TeethXpress, and

publication of any material in the TeethXpress magazine should not

be construed as an endorsement or recommendation of the views

expressed or the products/services ofered herein. Dear Doctor, Inc.

shall not be responsible or liable for any damage or loss caused by or

in connection with a consumer’s reliance on any content, service or

product contained in TeethXpress magazine.

The celebrities appearing in this magazine do not endorse and are not

afiliated with BioHorizons Implant Systems, Inc. and publication of their

photographs or stories should not be construed as their endorsement or

recommendation of BioHorizons products or services.


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TeethXpress magazine provides detailed information about dental

implants and grafting procedures.

BioHorizons © 2024. All rights reserved. Certain illustrations and

materials contained herein are © 2006–2024 Dear Doctor, Inc. and

are used pursuant to a license.

2300 Riverchase Center, Birmingham, AL 35244

Phone: (205) 539-6655 | Website: teethxpress.com

A BioHorizons Publication (version 4.1)



(Cover and Page 30): David: Dr. Bruce Smoler, Carly (Page 2):

Dr. Andrew Ferrier and Dr. Arshiya Sharafi, (Page 13) top left to

bottom right, Carly: Dr. Andrew Ferrier and Dr. Arshiya Sharafi,

Millie: Dr. William Carter, Mark: Dr. Hamid Shafie, Jamonica:

Dr. Marc Manos, Amanda: Dr. Fred Bye, Haylee: Dr. Sarah Jockin,

Connie: Dr. Paul Kozy, Celeste: Dr. Frederick Marra,

Antonio: Dr. Ramón Gómez Meda, Emma: Dr. Jefrey Sherry,

Brandon: Dr. Daniel Noorthoek, Kristie (Page 14): Dr. Brian Vence,

Chris (Page 15): Dr. Paul Kozy, Marcia (Page 19): Dr. Curry Leavitt,

Christy (Page 23): Dr. Matthew Kasiar, Amanda (Page 27):

Dr. Fred Bye, Haylee (Page 35): Dr. Sarah Jockin, Jamonica (Page 42):

Dr. Marc Manos, Cara (Page 43 and Page 68): Dr. Sandra Vargas and Dr.

William Zinney, Marc (Page 49): Dr. Hamid Shafie, Matthew (Page 52):

Dr. Jefrey Capes, Nancy (Page 65): Drs. Michael Pikos and Philip Hedger

What is TeethXpress?

TeethXpress is an exciting, state-of-the-art approach for quickly

gaining new teeth with dental implants. TeethXpress-trained

dentists can restore one or more failing teeth — often in just one

day — relying upon BioHorizons advanced implant technology.

People who’ve undergone TeethXpress restorations often see

dramatic turnarounds in their lives overnight — not only in their

appearance, but also in their health and nutrition. TeethXpress

is the way to a better life and a more beautiful smile.

To learn more about the exciting TeethXpress way to revitalize

your smile with BioHorizons dental implant technology, be sure

to read “TeethXpress: The BioHorizons Advantage” on page 42.

About BioHorizons

For more than 30 years, BioHorizons has helped transform

lives by providing dentists with tools and products for perform-

ing high-quality, implant-based tooth replacement therapy.

Founded in 1994 on the principles of science, innovation,

and service, BioHorizons is headquartered in Birmingham,

Alabama, with the majority of manufacturing done in the

United States. BioHorizons global organization is now one of

the top three largest dental implant companies in the world with

a demonstrated commitment to scientifically proven, evidence-

based dental implant products and biomaterial solutions. The

premier BioHorizons offering is the implant itself with features

not found in other brands. Besides its unique thread design, the

BioHorizons Laser-Lok® technology offers strength and stabil-

ity unparalleled in the market, further enhancing its reputation

as a global leader for tooth replacement solutions.


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Dental Implants

If you are suffering with missing teeth, failing teeth or chronic

dental problems, dental implants can give you the comfort,

security, fit, feel, function and look of natural teeth.

Dental implants typically have three parts:

The Implant: A screw that serves as the root for your

new tooth. It is inserted into the jawbone and is usu-

ally made of high-quality metal such as medical-grade


The Abutment: A component that attaches to the top

of the implant that connects the replacement tooth to

the implant.

The Crown: The part of the replacement tooth you

can see. It’s usually made of porcelain or zirconium for

durability and a natural-looking appearance.

Dental implants have been called the most significant dental

innovation of our generation, for good reason. Bone actually

attaches to the medical-grade titanium resulting in a replace-

ment tooth that feels secure and completely natural. Moreover,

implants can help preserve your jawbone, which can become

vulnerable to shrinkage over time once teeth are lost.

Not only will you look younger with natural-looking, implant-

supported teeth, you will regain your ability to eat your favorite

foods — even if those foods are apples, steak and corn on the


To learn more about dental implants, be sure to read “Dental

Implants: Your Best Option for Replacing Missing Teeth” on

page 12.

Dental Implants

Are Ideal for

Replacing Teeth

Dental implants have been

called the most significant

dental innovation of our

generation, for good reason.













Dental Implants

Replace Tooth Roots

Because they become integrated into the bone itself, dental implants

can actually slow or even stop the bone loss that inevitably follows

tooth loss. Preserving bone structure helps preserve your appear-

ance — and your confidence.

Bone Attaches to Titanium

Through the natural process of osseointegration, bone cells in

your jaw actually attach to the titanium metal of the implant. This

remarkable union between nature and technology forms a strong

and durable anchor for your new teeth.

Natural-Looking Appearance

Dental implants are dificult to distinguish from your natural teeth, in

both esthetics and function. Plus, they provide a host of benefits that

other tooth-replacement systems just can’t match. The visible part

(crown) is custom-made to enhance your smile — but the real beauty of

dental implants goes much deeper.

Best Long-Term Solution

With the highest success rate of any tooth-

replacement option and a track record

spanning 60 years, dental implants are

the best long-term solution to missing

teeth. Properly cared for, implants can

last the rest of your life — that’s what

makes them such a good value.

The Most Significant Dental Innovation of Our Generation

Dental Implant FAQs


You are not alone...

of the United States

population is missing

at least one tooth

Bloom B, Gift HC, Jack SS: National Center for Health Statistics.


dental implants are placed

each year in the United States

American Dental Association

More than

How many teeth can be replaced with dental implants?

You can replace a single tooth, multiple teeth or all of your teeth. However, you don’t need one dental implant

for every missing tooth. Very often, as few as four to six implants can provide support for a full replacement set

of upper or lower teeth.

Is dental implant surgery painful?

Most people find dental implant procedures very easy to tolerate. Any post-operative discomfort can usually

be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers such as ibuprofen.

Are dental implants expensive?

Initially, implants may seem more expensive than other tooth-replacement methods such as dentures or

bridgework. However, since implants are the closest thing to real teeth and last longer than other options,

they are often the most cost-efective option.

Am I a candidate for dental implants?

There’s a good chance you are a candidate for dental implants, but only your dentist can help you decide

after a complete oral examination that includes x-rays of your jaws. Schedule a consultation today to begin

the exciting process of restoring your smile with dental implants.

The ranks of those who have benefited from a smile restored with dental implants include

more than a few celebrities. From stunning supermodels to chart-topping rock stars, many

people in the public eye have discovered just how important getting your smile back can

be — and how easy that is to accomplish with dental implants!*

Did You Know?

These Celebrities Have Dental Implants!

“I am grateful for the dental

implant technology that feels

and looks so natural.”

Christie Brinkley

When is the last time you saw a supermodel with failing teeth? Were

they just born with perfect teeth to go along with those perfect bodies?

Think again! Christie Brinkley, whose cheerful and wholesomely beauti-

ful face has graced more than 500 magazine covers, was once asked by

Dear Doctor magazine for her best beauty tip. Her answer? Just smile!

“I always say my best beauty secret is to smile,” she said. “I think a

smile makes everyone beautiful. It’s the greatest gift we give each other.”

Christie needed to have her own dazzling smile restored after she was

injured in a helicopter crash while backcountry skiing. “I fractured two

molars in the back of my mouth and I had to get two dental implants,”

she told Dear Doctor. “I am grateful for the dental implant technology

that feels and looks so natural.”

Ed Helms

Did you see the 2009 comedy The Hangover? If so, you prob-

ably remember the scene where Stu, played by Ed Helms,

wakes up to find his front tooth missing after a wild night of

partying. So how did they make that look so real? Was his

tooth really pulled? Well, kind of! Ed really did have a tooth

removed for the role. But it wasn’t a natural tooth — it was

an implant-supported tooth. Apparently, that particular

tooth never grew in when Ed was a child. So he eventually

got a dental implant to make his smile Hollywood perfect.


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