The ranks of those who have benefited from a smile restored with dental implants include
more than a few celebrities. From stunning supermodels to chart-topping rock stars, many
people in the public eye have discovered just how important getting your smile back can
be — and how easy that is to accomplish with dental implants!*
Did You Know?
These Celebrities Have Dental Implants!
“I am grateful for the dental
implant technology that feels
and looks so natural.”
Christie Brinkley
When is the last time you saw a supermodel with failing teeth? Were
they just born with perfect teeth to go along with those perfect bodies?
Think again! Christie Brinkley, whose cheerful and wholesomely beauti-
ful face has graced more than 500 magazine covers, was once asked by
Dear Doctor magazine for her best beauty tip. Her answer? Just smile!
“I always say my best beauty secret is to smile,” she said. “I think a
smile makes everyone beautiful. It’s the greatest gift we give each other.”
Christie needed to have her own dazzling smile restored after she was
injured in a helicopter crash while backcountry skiing. “I fractured two
molars in the back of my mouth and I had to get two dental implants,”
she told Dear Doctor. “I am grateful for the dental implant technology
that feels and looks so natural.”
Ed Helms
Did you see the 2009 comedy The Hangover? If so, you prob-
ably remember the scene where Stu, played by Ed Helms,
wakes up to find his front tooth missing after a wild night of
partying. So how did they make that look so real? Was his
tooth really pulled? Well, kind of! Ed really did have a tooth
removed for the role. But it wasn’t a natural tooth — it was
an implant-supported tooth. Apparently, that particular
tooth never grew in when Ed was a child. So he eventually
got a dental implant to make his smile Hollywood perfect.